Nobody disputes the latter comment - it is just that those that pay the bills, whether they are governments or philanthropic foundations like to see visitor numbers on an upward curve.
Check out the article that prompted all this breast beating at the Art Newspaper
The top ten art museums world wide in 2010 are as follows and there are no surprises here:
8,500,000 Louvre Paris
5,842,138 British Museum London
5,216,988 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York
5,061,172 Tate Modern London
4,954,914 National Gallery London
4,775,114 National Gallery of Art Washington
3,131,238 Museum of Modern Art New York
3,130,000 Centre Pompidou Paris
3,067,909 National Museum of Korea Seoul
2,985,510 Musée d’Orsay Paris
And critical to drawing those crowds are the temporary exhibitions. The article details a most interesting range of statistics drawn from a comprehensive survey of exhibitions around the world listed in order of daily attendance including:
- The top 30 exhibitions (the top two are both in Tokyo and drew over 10,000 people per day! Not sure what anyone could see at that density)
- The top ten Decorative Arts, Antiquities, Impressionism, Old Masters, Mediaeval and Thematic exhibitions
- The top ten 19th Century, Asian, Architecture and Design, and Photography exhibitions
- The top ten exhibitions in Tokyo, London and Paris
- Comparisons with previous years
What I particularly love about it is the medium MacGregor chose to use. No visuals, just people’s imagination as he described each object and the history behind it. Perhaps that is what largely drew people to explore the Museum’s collections further
Julian Bickersteth
Managing Director